As thrilling as the actual hunt can be, there's also an excitement that comes with planning and planting your land or lease in hopes of attracting and retaining quality game. The most important piece of that puzzle is choosing the right food plots grown from the highest quality seed. That's where Pennington comes in. Through more than two decades of research and development, Pennington has been a leader in the field of wildlife management.-
Rackmaster Deluxe Spring/Summer Mix
RACKMASTER Deluxe Spring/Summer Mixture is a blend of soybeans, iron clay cowpeas, buckwheat, sunflower and sorghum that furnishes deer with the nutrients needed for antler and body growth, milk production for does nursing fawns and overall health of the deer herd. It also provides food and cover for turkey, dove and quail.
Rackmaster Feeding Frenzy
RACKMASTER Feeding Frenzy is a mixture of winter Annual small grains, brassica, winter peas and re-seeding high protein clovers that deer can't resist.
Rackmaster Mississippi Complete Mix
Developed in cooperation with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, RACKMASTER Mississippi Complete seed blend contains a highly preferred mixture of small grains and Annual legumes that attract and hold deer from fall through late spring /early summer. It also provides excellent food, cover and habitat for browsing quail and turkey.
Rackmaster Deluxe Fall Deer Mix
RACKMASTER Fall Deluxe Mixture is a combination of winter Annual grasses, legumes and brassica that attract deer and provide the nutrients needed by the deer herd to maintain good body condition throughout the rut and winter stress period. It also furnishes excellent browsing habitat for quail and turkey. A hunter favorite.
Wingmaster Game Bird Mix
WINGMASTER Game Bird Mix features a combination of grains that attract multiple game bird species including dove, quail, turkey and duck. With staggered maturity times, WINGMASTER provides an abundant supply of seed that attracts and holds dove, quail and turkey for the entire season.
Rackmaster Durana White Clover
Durana is the premier white clover on the market for whitetail deer management. It is a Perennial legume that withstands heavy grazing pressure, tolerates acid soils and competes aggressively with weeds and grasses as commonly seen in food plot situations. It is nutrient dense with protein levels of 25% or more. With favorable weather and proper management, Durana can persist 3-5 years or longer. Its persistence, productivity and high preference by deer, turkey and other wildlife species make it a hunter favorite. Available in a 3 lb. bag.
Rackmaster Trophy Radishes
RACKMASTER Trophy Radishes establishes and grows fast producing high yields of lush green tops loaded with protein and huge roots - both of which deer find highly attractive.
Rackmaster Clover Trio
RACKMASTER Clover Trio mix is a blend of Annual and Perennial clovers with staggered maturity dates that provides abundant amounts of protein and energy rich forage for deer, turkey and other wildlife for up to 10 months Annually.