Supergraze Winter Annual

Supergraze winter annual forage mixture features a precise blend of two premium cool season annual forages – Wintergrazer 70 cereal rye and Passerel Plus annual ryegrass – into one convenient package that offers high quality annual cool season pasture forage from fall through late spring.  Under favorable growing conditions, Supergraze establishes in 35 – 45 days after planting to provide quick cover and highly nutritious forage for all grazing animals. Because it grows at lower wintertime temperatures, Supergraze extends the grazing season over other cool season grasses thus reducing winter hay needs.

Uses: Grazing for all classes of livestock. Also for for hay, silage or green chop. Can be sod seeded in dormant warm season pastures for cool season forage production. 

Supergraze Tech Sheet


Contact us at 1-800-285-SEED.
Seeding Rate: 100 lbs./acre drilled or 125 lbs./acre broadcast
Date: Northern region: August 15 – October 15; Southern region: September 15 – November 15 
Depth: 1/2" to 3/4" 
Fertilization: Soil testing is highly recommended. Lime soil to a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Apply 40-60 lbs./A. starter nitrogen and follow soil test recommendations for phosphorus and potassium.
Method: Drill seed into a well-prepared and firm seedbed or use a no-till drill to overseed it into closely clipped or grazed perennial pastures. Seed may also be broadcast over a prepared seedbed and lightly disked in. Planting too deep or too shallow can result in poor stand emergence. In southern regions, SuperGraze can be mixed with an annual legume such as AU Sunrise crimson clover to add forage quality. If planted in a mixture with annual clover, do not plant deeper than 1/2".

Fertilization: Supergraze responds well to high rates of nitrogen fertilizer. Apply 60 – 80 lbs./A nitrogen as a side-dress application in late winter. 
Grazing: Grazing can begin in the fall when forage growth reaches 6-8 inches in height and roots are fully anchored in the ground. (Note: Grazing on wet, poorly drained soils can result in plant damage and reduced spring growth.) Do not graze below a height of 4” in the fall and winter. Allow re-growth to reach a height of 6 to 10 inches before grazing again. Use light rotational grazing in the fall and winter with heavier rotational or continuous grazing from early through late spring. Cautionary Note: Provide animal access to high magnesium mineral to reduce incidence of grass tetany.
Hay or silage: Harvest at the boot stage of maturity for highest quality.  
