Birding FAQS
What types of birds do various seed types and other ingredients attract?
Black oil sunflower seed: Black oil sunflower seed is high in energy and has thin shells, making it the preferred food item for a wide variety of birds like cardinals, chickadees, titmice, finches, sparrows and woodpeckers.
Cracked corn: Corn is an inexpensive grain that is a favorite of birds like wild turkeys and ducks, while cracked corn will attract ground-eating birds like doves, quail, and sparrows.
Fruit: Robins, mockingbirds, catbirds, bluebirds and waxwings are all species that enjoy fresh and dried fruit (and dried seeds of fruits like pumpkins or apples). Oranges cut in half will often attract orioles as well.
Hulled sunflower seed: Hulled seeds are simply seeds with the shell removed. The combination of high nutritional value with ease of consumption makes hulled sunflower a favorite of all seed eating birds.
Mealworms: Live or dried larvae of the mealworm beetle provide a high protein treat for many birds such as chickadees, titmice, wrens, and nuthatches. It is one of the only food items that reliably attract bluebirds.
Millet: Millet is a favored food of many smaller, ground foraging birds, such as juncos and sparrows.
Milo: A reddish-colored, round grain, milo is favored by ground-feeding birds like sparrows, doves, quail, wild turkeys, towhees and jays.
Nyjer (thistle) seed: Often called "thistle" seed, nyjer attracts finches including American goldfinches, purple finches, pine siskins, and common redpolls.
Oats: Ground foraging species most likely to be attracted to oats include doves, quail, wild turkeys and juncos.
Peanut hearts: Best offered in a small hopper or on a platform feeder, chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, and jays are most likely to take advantage of this food.
Peanuts: Larger birds like jays and woodpeckers may grab several peanuts at a time and fly off to hide them for later consumption. Smaller birds like chickadees, nuthatches, and titmice will have more success feeding on shelled peanuts. Avoid salted peanuts or peanuts that have been roasted with any coatings or flavorings.
Safflower: Resembling white sunflower seed, safflower attracts cardinals, nuthatches, sparrows and woodpeckers while not being preferred by bully birds like crows and blackbirds.
Suet: A good choice for attracting robins, orioles, wrens, chickadees, woodpeckers, bluebirds, sapsuckers and warblers, suet can be purchased as processed cake that includes seeds, berries, and other ingredients.
Nectar (sugar water): is the preferred food of hummingbirds and orioles.
How do I attract specific birds?
What is the best wild bird seed mix for first time birders?
What seeds and mixes work with various feeders?
What ingredients provide the best nutrition to birds?
Will the seeds sprout?
How do you feed wild birds in different seasons?
How do you feed wild birds in the winter?
How do you feed wild birds in the snow?
Why is there debris in my bag of bird seed?
How do I know if my birds are sick?
What types of birds are attracted to various feeder types?Hopper feeders and tube feeders often attract smaller birds while preventing larger species, like grackles, from comfortably perching and monopolizing the feeder. Hopper feeders are often visited by finches, wrens, chickadees, siskins, warblers, redpolls, nuthatches and titmice. Suet cages (and feeders with attached suet cages) attract wrens, chickadees, cardinals, titmice, nuthatches, jays, warblers, and woodpeckers. Nectar feeders naturally attract hummingbirds.
What types of birds are attracted to various birdhouses?
What types of seed are compatible with various feeder types?
Where should I put my bird feeder?
Where should I put my birdhouse?
How often should a bird feeder be cleaned?
How do you clean a bird feeder?
How long does it usually take for birds to find a new feeder?
How do squirrels access the food in the Pennington Cedar Squirrel Snacker?
How do I convert the Pennington Cedar Squirrel Snacker Feeder to a bird feeder?
How do I get rid of bully birds?
Where is the best place to hang a hummingbird feeder?Place hummingbird feeders within 10-15 feet from suitable cover (trees, bushes, etc.), in an open enough space for a hummingbird flying through your neighborhood to notice and hover around unimpeded, and high enough off the ground to avoid cats. Hummingbirds are very territorial, so if you have more than one feeder, disperse them far enough apart on your property that they won't fight (and away from any other bird feeders you have). Lastly, choose a feeder location that you can easily access to refill and clean as needed, and enjoy the beautiful view.
How do you fill a humming feeder with nectar?
How often should a hummingbird feeder be cleaned?
How do you clean a hummingbird feeder?
Can I wash my hummingbird feeder in the dishwasher?
Are replacement parts available for hummingbird feeders?
What time of year will I see hummingbirds?
How long will it take for hummingbirds to find a feeder for the first time?
Is it normal for a hummingbird feeder to drip? How can the dripping be stopped?
Will a hummingbird feeder attract bees?
What is the best way to keep ants out of a hummingbird feeder?
Why does hummingbird nectar have to be refrigerated after opening if it sits outside?
Which red dyes are bad for hummingbirds?
Will clear nectar still attract hummingbirds even though it’s not red?
How is Pennington hummingbird nectar different from sugar water?
How long does hummingbird nectar last in feeders before it goes bad?
How long does hummingbird nectar last in the refrigerator?