Patriot White Clover

Patriot white clover was developed specifically for high yield, persistence and grazing tolerance. It performs well as a companion forage with warm and cool season perennial pasture grasses. Patriot is widely adapted with excellent animal acceptance and performance. It is a highly durable perennial with excellent heat and drought tolerance. As a legume, Patriot fixes 75-150 lbs/A nitrogen or more annually that can be shared with companion forages.

Type: Cool season perennial legume

Adaptation: From eastern Texas and Oklahoma across the South to the Atlantic Coast and north along a line from Macon, GA to Dallas, TX.  Also, in the Pacific Northwest and in river valleys and irrigated pastures of the intermountain region.

Uses: Patriot is best used to enrich improved high quality grass pastures containing forages such as MaxQ enhanced tall fescue, orchardgrass and prariegrass. Excellent for grazing fall through early summer. Patriot increases the attractiveness and nutrional value of wildlife food plots either alone or in a mixture.

Benefits: Research and ranch experiences repeatedly demonstrate the superior feed value of a white clover-grass mixture compared to grass alone. Improvements in conception rates, milk production, calf weaning weights, daily gains and animal health can be realized.  Patriot captures atmospheric nitrogen - 75 to 150 lbs. per acre per year.

18 to 28% crude protein and total digestable nutrients (TDN) ranging from 65 to 85%. (Highest values will be obtained with a leaf to 10% bloom harvest.) Maturity of the crop at harvest will determine individual results.

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Seeding Dates - South: September - November...may be frost seeded in February to early March in some locations. Upper South: September - early November...may be frost seeded in February to early March or spring planted in April - early May. North: August – September ...may be frost seeded in February - March or spring seeded in April – May
Method: Seed can be drilled with a no-till planter equipped with a small seed hopper. Seed at a maximum depth of 1/8 inch. Planting clover seed too deep can result in stand failure. To frost seed, pastures should be grazed down to a height of 2”. Broadcast seed over the soil surface with a seeder designed to apply small seed. The use of a culti-packer or roller after seeding ensures good seed/soil contact and improves stand emergence. When frost seeding, increase seeding rate by 25%. Note: When frost seeding, it is important that spring growth of perennial pasture grasses be kept in check by periodic grazing in order to reduce competition and allow sunlight to reach the young clover seedlings.
Rate: 3 lbs/acre if no-till drilled or broadcast into established pastures; increase to 4 lbs./acre if frost seeded; 5 lbs/acre for a pure stand in wildlife food plots; (For livestock see Special Considerations).3 lbs/acre; 5-8 lbs./acre for a pure stand in wildlife food plots.
Depth: 1/8” maximum (stand failures will result from seed planted too deep).
Fertilizer: Soil testing is highly recommended. Liming to a pH of 6.0-6.5 and providing adequate levels of potassium and phosphorus are necessary to ensure a productive and long lasting clover stand. See your local county extension office for soil sampling assistance.
Inoculant: Patriot seed come pre-inoculated with selected Rhizobia strains of bacteria for optimal root nodulation and nitrogen fixation.

Grazing: For maximum productivity and stand life in grazed pastures, use a rotational grazing system. Under continuous grazing, keep grass and/or weed height between 2” and 6” to help maintain the clover stand. Clip or harvest surplus forage in under-utilized pastures. 
Soil fertility – Apply lime to maintain a soil pH of 6.2 to 6.5. Add nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizer according to soil test recommendations.
Chemical weed control - Broadleaf weeds including pigweed, horsenettle, thistle and others may become problematic in pastures. Extension weed control recommendations in some states include the use of low rates of 2,4-D amine (1pt/A or less) on well established stands of perennial white clover to control/suppress many broadleaf weeds when they are less than 3 inches in height. (Consult with the local university extension office for local herbicide recommendations and rates.) To minimize clover injury, herbicides should be applied when clover is free from drought and heat stress. Note: When using pesticides, carefully read and follow all label guidelines for mixing, applying and personal safety. If applying herbicides, extreme care should be taken to avoid overlapping the spray and to also prevent herbicide drift or accidental application to any desirable plants, trees and shrubs adjacent to the target area being sprayed.
Special Considerations: Bloat can be a problem for animals on pastures with a large proportion (>35%) of white clover. Bloat-preventative supplement materials are recommended.