The experts at Pennington want to share their knowledge with you - because they know it is equally important to inform consumers as it is to develop great products!
Tips & Guides
Benefits of Pennington Rackmaster Durana Clover
Soil Sampling - Know your pH for the Best Food Plots
Creating a Firm Seed Bed for your Food Plots
Rackmaster Feeding Frenzy
Rackmaster Annual Food Plot Products
Rackmaster Perennial Food Plot Products
Planting Food Plots in the Spring
Guide to Growing Successful Game Plots
Guide to Interpreting Soil Tests
Soil Testing Guide Pocket Planner
Seed Planting Guide
Tips to Maximize Durana White Clover Performance in Food Plots
Wildlife Catalog -
Alyceclover (Alysicarpus vaginalis)
Archery Food Plots on Small Urban Acreages
Arrowleaf Clover (Trifolium vesiculosum)
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Crimson Clover
Forage Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
How Much and Where to Plant For Deer & Turkeys
Killing Fescue Effectively and Economically in Food Plots
Know Your Soil pH and Fix It With Dolomitic Lime
Lablab (Lablab purpureus)
Ladino Clover (Trifolium repens)
Late Winter A Good Time to Add Clover to Food Plots
Oats (Avena sativa)
Patriot White Clover, Powerful and Persistent
Pennington: The Best Deer Food Plot Seeds
Plant a Food Plot without Equipment
Rye (Secale cereale)
What Your Mama Never Told You About Brassicas!
The Food Plot Doctor - Food Plots after the Snow Falls
The Food Plot Doctor - Food Plots in Pine Plantations
Winning the Weed Wars -
What clover is recommended for Deer and Turkey?
Do food plots need to be fertilized?
How important are minerals to a deer's diet?
How essential is soil pH in the development of a food plot?
How can I control seed depth when I'm planting my food plots?
How do I continue to provide supplemental food plots for my wildlife during planting season?
How much area should I plant for wildlife?
How will I know if deer and other wildlife are utilizing my food plots?
Are all wildlife seed mixtures basically the same? -
Quality Vegetation Management
Message from Brooks Pennington IV
Durana Clover Success Story - C. J. Davis
Durana Clover Success Story - Chris Herring
Durana Clover Success Story - Notnomis Plantation
Durana Clover Success Story - Oakland Club
Durana Clover Success Story - Tony Cain
Pennington Wildlife Products - Jay Klaverweiden
Rackmaster Durana Success Story, Don Baker, SC
Rackmaster Elite Success Story, Chuck Napier, Virginia
Trophy Radishes - Jay Klaverweiden