Root Plow Radish

Root Plow Radish establishes quickly and produces a large taproot up to 3 feet long with feeder roots up to 6 feet deep. These deep roots capture excess nitrogen and other nutrients and bring them back to the surface to be released for cash crop use when the radish is winter-killed or sprayed-out.

Soil Conditioner
Root Plow Radish's large taproot and many branch roots create many channels in the soil allowing for better water infiltration and helping to loosen compacted soil.

Nutrient Scavenger
Root Plow Radish's deep roots and high biomass production have been shown to capture up to 170 lbs/acre of nitrogen in university studies.

Soil Cover/Erosion Control
Root Plow Radish germinates quickly and produces a quick canopy controlling runoff and protecting the soil surface from rainfall impact.


For more info or to purchase, call us at 844-SOIL 911 (844-764-5911).
General Establishment & Management Guidelines for Cover Crops

  • Follow recommended planting times for cool season annual forages for the specific geographic region.
  • Lime the soil to a pH between 6.0 and 7.0 and follow soil test recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer needs. If practical, apply needed lime 3-4 months or more ahead of seeding the cover crop.
  • Drill seed into a well-prepared, firm seedbed or use a no-till drill to seed fields included in a limited tillage production system. Special attention should be given to planting seed at the recommended depth. Planting too shallow or too deep can lead to a poor cover crop stand.
  • If weeds become an issue requiring the use of a herbicide, carefully read and follow herbicide label guidelines for crop tolerance and crop rotation restrictions.
  • If the cover crop is to be used for forage, grazing can begin when growth reaches 6-8 inches in height and roots are well anchored. Remove livestock when 3-4 inches of forage growth remains. Do not graze when fields are wet and soggy as it can result in excessive field compaction and plant damage.