Pennington Fast Acting Lime
- Starts working immediately
- Raises soil pH quicker than regular lime
- Encourages a healthier, thicker, greener lawn
About This Product
Low pH can cause moss, bare spots and weeds to grow in your grass. Lime helps balance soil pH and create a better soil environment for your lawn, which significantly reduces these problems. Pennington Fast Acting Lime goes to work the instant it touches water, so you’re sure to see fast results. This unique product combines Advanced Soil Technology (AST) with high-quality lime to maximize the nutrient benefit to the soil.
Works Best On
- Grass
How To Use
Apply only as directed on the product package. Easy to apply with any spreader.

What Does Lime Do for Your Lawn?
Lime is a soil amendment that raises soil pH and helps green up your lawn.

How to Tell if Your Lawn Needs Lime
Moss, bare spots and weeds are signs that your soil has low pH (acidic), which means your lawn could need lime. A soil pH test is the best method to determine if your lawn needs lime.

If you live in a shaded orange area above, your soil probably requires lime.