How to Grow and Maintain Limelight Green Hydrangeas

Every landscape deserves a show-stopping plant that earns the neighborhood's envy. Limelight panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight') is just the shrub to fill the bill. While other hydrangeas stick to pink, purple or blue blooms, Limelight shines with massive, pale-lime flower clusters—and it's easy to care for, too. With these basics, you can grow spectacular Limelight green hydrangeas at your home:

Limelight blooms open from green to green-tinged cream.

Limelight flowers take center stage from summer through fall

Limelight hydrangea has a pleasing, mounded shape, but it's the blooms that attract attention. In northern climates, the shrub flowers from late summer through late fall. Along the Gulf Coast, the green blooms appear as early as late May and June. The large flower clusters, known as panicles, have a broad, pyramidal shape. The clustered flowers start as deep lime buds that open to delicate green and progress to lime-tinged cream. Long-lasting as cut flowers, the green blooms are a florist favorite.

Unlike bigleaf and mountain hydrangeas, which change flower color based on soil conditions, Limelight blooms don't undergo any soil-related color change. But as the flowers mature and fall approaches, they take on striking shades of pink, red, burgundy, and bronze. Left to dry on the plant, the blooms persist through frost into winter, sometimes accompanied by leaves with a tint of autumn red. Cut and brought indoors for dried arrangements, the flowers bring natural charm to homes through fall and winter months.

Limelight complements crape myrtles and other summer bloomers.

Growing zones for Limelight extend from north to south

Panicle hydrangeas are sometimes thought of as cool-climate hydrangeas, but Limelight pushes the envelope when it comes to where these outstanding green hydrangeas survive and flower.

Limelight flourishes in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3a through 9a. That means this hydrangea can grow and bloom at Minnesota's northern border, where extreme winter temps drop to 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. And, it can do the same through hot, humid Georgia, where temperatures rarely get below 20 F above zero.1

When fully mature, Limelight reaches 6 to 8 feet in height and spread, with reliable lime-green blooms year after year throughout those growing zones.

As fall arrives, Limelight blossoms begin to take on shades of pink.

Low-maintenance Limelight needs simple, easy care

Undemanding, easy-care Limelight is a perfect fit for homeowners seeking low-maintenance and beauty. Meet its simple needs and it'll reward you with attractive foliage and stunning green hydrangea blooms:

  • Site and sun – Limelight's sunlight and planting site preferences vary with geography. In northern climates, it excels in full-sun settings with eight hours of sun each day. In southern climates, a site with full morning sun and afternoon protection yields the best show of flowers and leaves.
  • Soil – Excellent drainage is crucial to keep Limelight's roots healthy and free from rot. In areas with heavy clay soils, amend your site before planting. Lilly Miller Garden Gypsum helps loosen compacted soil, improve water penetration and drainage, and correct soil conditions to allow for better root growth. Pennington Plant Starter with micronutrients at planting helps transplants thrive, too.
  • Water – Unlike water-demanding hydrangeas, Limelight tolerates drought once it gets established, but regular watering keeps flowers and leaves at peak. Water thoroughly and deeply when you water, then allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again. Never leave Limelight with overly soggy soil.
  • Fertilizer – A complete fertilizer delivers the essential plant nutrients Limelight needs for healthy growth. At planting time, incorporate a balanced fertilizer such as Pennington Rejuvenate Plant Food All Purpose 4-4-4 into your soil. Each spring, feed Limelight with the same fertilizer or try a bloom-enhancing food such as Pennington UltraGreen Color Blooms & Bulbs Plant Food 15-10-10.
  • Pruning – Panicle hydrangeas bloom on new stems that grow each year. Even when cold winters kill stems to the ground, Limelight bounces back with new stems and flowers. Prune Limelight back by one-third to one-half its size in late winter or early spring. This encourages new flower-bearing growth, but leaves a framework of old stems to help support the large lime blooms.

Limelight green hydrangeas in your landscape will fill summer and fall with beautiful blooms for you and your neighbors to enjoy. Pennington is here every step of the way with helpful advice and premium lawn and garden products to help you grow spectacular Limelight hydrangeas and see your #gardengoals become reality.

Always read product labels thoroughly and follow instructions.

Pennington with design is a registered trademark of Pennington Seed, Inc.

UltraGreen is a registered trademark of Central Garden & Pet Company.

Fast Acting is a trademark of Encap, LLC.


1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, "USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map."

Photo Credit:

Jalexartis Photography (CC BY 2.0)

Michele Dorsey Walfred (CC BY 2.0)

Leonora (Ellie) Enking (CC BY-SA 2.0)
