3 Simple Steps to a Thicker Lusher Lawn
Having a thick, lush lawn—like that enviable neighbor down the street—may be easier than you think. Even if you're a new homeowner, short on time and experience, you can reclaim your turf and restore your thin lawn with confidence and ease. All it takes is Pennington Lawn Booster and these three simple steps:
1. Prepare Your Thin Lawn
Start your journey to a thicker lawn by removing unwanted weeds. Then mow your grass to a height of about 1 inch. Follow that up with raking to remove any dead grass or debris.
Raking exposes the soil and loosens it slightly, so that your lawn is ready to receive Lawn Booster's seed and other beneficial ingredients. A garden rake with short, heavy tines works best.
The best timing for your project is early spring or fall, when moderate temperatures coincide with peak grass growth. If you use weed killers on your lawn, you'll need to wait at least three weeks before you seed.

2. Apply Lawn Booster
3-in-1 Lawn Booster provides seed, fertilizer and soil enhancer in one premixed, ready-to-use product. All you need to get your boost started is a regular lawn spreader to apply the combination product to your thin lawn.
Set your spreader's hopper opening according to the settings for your spreader type shown on the Lawn Booster label. That ensures the product goes on at just the right rate for the thicker lawn you desire.
Spread Lawn Booster evenly over the area you want to see grow quicker, thicker and greener—and get ready to see results.

3. Water Your Lawn Consistently
Watering is the most important step in transforming your lawn from thin to lush. Water the area where you applied Lawn Booster every day—twice a day, if needed—to keep the soil consistently moist.
Continue watering daily as new grass sprouts and reaches its regular mowing height of about 3 to 4 inches tall. Consistent moisture is essential for grass to germinate and establish healthy, resilient roots.
When you invest your time and money in Pennington Lawn Booster, you can rest easy knowing your lawn's getting premium ingredients backed by three generations of innovation and the Pennington guarantee.
Four key components support your lawn-boosting success:
- Pennington Smart Seed grasses. Water-conserving, environmentally conscious Smart Seed grasses result from decades of industry-leading breeding and research. Once established, the purebred, non-GMO grass seed varieties in Lawn Booster Sun & Shade and Lawn Booster Tall Fescue need up to 30 percent less water than ordinary grass seed, year after year. These drought-resistant grasses stay green up to three weeks without watering, so you conserve water and reduce your utility bill.
- Professional-grade, nitrogen-stabilized fertilizer. Nourishing your lawn with proper nutrients is a key part of healthy growth and rich, satisfying grass color. 3-in-1 Lawn Booster delivers nitrogen for immediate feeding and keeps feeding your lawn for up to eight weeks. This improves germination and your lawn's overall curb appeal. With Lawn Booster's fertilizer, more nitrogen stays available to your grass and less nitrogen is lost to the environment.
- Premium soil enhancer. Healthy soil is the foundation to a healthy lawn. Lawn Booster enhances your soil with naturally occurring gypsum, which improves soil's condition and health. Gypsum helps create a soil environment that supports better root growth so grass can flourish, even in heavy clay soils.
- Penkoted seed technology. Lawn Booster's green seed color comes from Pennington's exclusive Penkoted technology. Penkote seals your seed with a protective layer of fungicide that safeguards seed during germination and early establishment, when it's most vulnerable to deadly fungal disease. With Penkote, seed grows better and healthier, plus the color helps hide your seed from hungry birds.

Once your new lawn becomes established, keep it thick, lush and healthy by giving it the ongoing care it needs. Follow best practices for mowing, watering and fertilizing, including safety tips for using fertilizer around kids, pets and adults:
- Mow often enough to maintain your grass's recommended mowing height and never cut off more than one-third of the blade at once.
- Adjust your regular watering schedule to accommodate your weather with the help of Pennington's interactive Water Rate Calculator.
- Establish a regular feeding schedule with premium lawn fertilizers to keep your lawn nourished, lush and green.
- Stay connected and informed with Pennington's online resources and email newsletter.
- And mark your seasonal lawn care calendar to boost your lawn with Lawn Booster again next season.
As a leader in the grass seed industry, Pennington has earned the trust of homeowners and lawn professionals. With Pennington Lawn Booster, your lawn will grow quicker, thicker and greener than ordinary grass seed in just one application—guaranteed. Pennington is committed to providing you with the finest grass seed and lawn care products possible, so that you can enjoy a thick, green lawn you can be proud to call your own.
Pennington with design and Penkoted are registered trademarks of Pennington Seed, Inc.