Bermudagrass and Herbicides

Herbicide strategies for newly seeded bermudagrass 

Bermudagrass remains the most popular warm-season turfgrass in the southern United States. Until recently, seeded bermudagrass cultivars did not offer the quality or performance of vegetatively propagated hybrids and selections. However, in the 1997 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program bermudagrass test, several new seeded cultivars of bermudagrass demonstrated quality equal to or higher than the vegetative standards, Tifway and Midlawn (4). Of the seeded genotypes, the cultivar Princess and the experimental line OKS 95-1 showed exceptional quality relative to the hybrids. These improvements in overall turf quality of seeded cultivars have made seeding a high-quality bermudagrass turf a realistic option.

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