How to Control Weeds in Your Lawn

Weeds! Like it or not, lawn weeds are part of the love-your-lawn life. They'll slip in where and when you least expect them, but that doesn't mean they get to stay. Don't be bothered with time-consuming, old-school approaches to weed control. It's time for a new angle on lawn care — including weeds.

You can manage weeds in your lawn sustainably without breaking your budget. Step 1: Get informed. Step 2: Get on board. Lawn weed control can be simple and easy.

Grassy weeds look grassy but not nearly as nice as your lawn.

Grassy weeds look grassy but not nearly as nice as your lawn.

Types of Lawn Weeds

Whether weeds are in your lawn or garden, they all have certain things in common. To tackle lawn weeds the easy way, it helps to understand the types of weeds and their lifecycle. Lawn weeds usually fall into one of two types: grassy or broadleaf.

As you probably guessed, grassy weeds look like your grass — only not. This category includes grassy weeds like quackgrass and crabgrass (the bane of lawn lovers everywhere).

Broadleaf weeds don't look like lawn grasses. They're more likely to masquerade as garden plants, only much less nice. This category includes weeds like dandelions and creeping Charlie, which will do their best to deprive your grass of water and nutrients.

When it comes to lifecycles, lawn weeds are like most other plants. They're generally either annual or perennial. Annual weeds naturally live for just one growing season. Then they set their seed and die. The next year, they germinate from seeds and start the cycle all over again.

Perennial lawn weeds are like your permanent lawn grasses and garden perennials. They come back year after year. Some types live longer than others, but perennial weeds naturally stick around for a while.

Lawn weeds siphon water and nutrients away from your grass and take over.

Lawn weeds siphon water and nutrients away from your grass and take over.

Types of Lawn Weeds

Once you understand the types of weeds that hit your lawn, how to control weeds — or prevent them — makes a lot more sense. For weeds that germinate and grow from seed every year, prevention is the name of the game. Stop the seed from emerging, and you stop the weed.

Herbicides that handle weeds before they can emerge are called pre-emergents. (See how easy that was!) But pre-emergents only work when they're applied before that seed begins to grow.

Once the seed takes off, pre-emergents can't help you. Then you need — you guessed it! — a post-emergent herbicide to do the job. Post-emergents handle weeds that are up, out of the ground and actively growing.

On top of understanding pre- and post-emergent herbicides, you also want to circle back to that grassy vs. broadleaf distinction.

Different herbicide products on the market have different uses. Some kill all kinds of plants, including broadleaf plants and grasses (including lawn grasses, so watch out).

Other products are more selective; they only kill broadleaf weeds and leave your grass unaffected. Yes, they're called selective herbicides.

For any lawn product that includes an herbicide, including Weed & Feed lawn fertilizers, always make sure your grass is listed for use on the label — before you apply it.

Now that you're armed with all this weedy knowledge, you can fully understand just how awesome it is that there's an easy way to tackle lawn weeds in your yard. Pennington's got you covered yet again!

With Pennington, one product feeds your grass and tackles lawn weeds.

With Pennington, one product feeds your grass and tackles lawn weeds.

A New Angle on Weed Control

The old-school approach to controlling lawn weeds called for all kinds of products: one for spring crabgrass prevention, one for broadleaf weeds, one for warm-season summer weeds, and one for cool-season fall weeds.

The list went and on — and so did the drudgery of hauling out herbicides all season when you could have been having a lot more fun. And, frankly, that old-school approach to weeds isn't the greatest for the environment or your budget. Doesn't one product for weed control for your yard sound a whole lot better?

Pennington Full Season Weed & Feed with Crabgrass Control 25-0-8 prevents and controls annual weeds like crabgrass while eliminating existing perennial broadleaf weeds. For established warm-season lawns—including Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass—Pennington Full Season Southern Weed & Feed 25-0-14 targets over 100 common weeds, including dandelion, clover, and crabgrass. With just one application, you get season-long weed control with these products and up to four months of continuous lawn feeding. 

Once you've dispatched those weedy intruders, you can skip the weed control if you want and go straight for the feed with Pennington Full Season Lawn Fertilizer 32-0-5. Just one application helps revitalize your soil with beneficial microorganisms and feed your lawn for up to four months.

To make it even better, these Pennington Full Season Lawn Fertilizers contain a little extra iron. That translates to extra-rich, deep green color.

Weeds have a way of multiplying, so don't let them stick around.

Weeds have a way of multiplying, so don't let them stick around.

Going for a Weed-Free Lawn

Now that you have weeds under control, you want to keep that gorgeous yard looking pristine. The most important ingredient behind achieving that goal is even simpler than understanding weed controls.

Here it is: Lush, healthy lawns have fewer weeds.

By caring for your lawn, mowing it regularly and giving it the nutrients it needs, you can help your lawn grass stay strong and vigorous enough to outcompete weeds that try and move in.

If your weed-worn lawn has grown a little thin from the fight, boost it back to beauty with Pennington Lawn Booster Sun & Shade Grass Seed Mix. This easy-to-use 3-in-1 product has everything your lawn needs to get back on track and grow greener, thicker and stronger fast.

You get premium, water-conserving Pennington Smart Seed grass seed, professional-grade fertilizer and soil enhancer. Pennington Lawn Booster mixes are perfect for overseeding your existing lawn and keeping it nourished for up to three months.

If a few diehard lawn weeds dare to raise their heads in your yard, take care of those, too. A handheld weed digger works pretty well, but it doesn't always get all the root. Image Herbicides Crabgrass, Nutsedge,+ & Weed Killer for Lawns kills tough weeds, roots and all, so they definitely won't be back. Your grass will be left looking just as great as it did before — minus the ugly weeds.

Here at Pennington, we understand it's past time to do lawn care your way. That's why we're here to help you nurture your lawn and your roots. Have a question? We'd love to hear from you. Remember, the lawn of your dreams is within your reach. And controlling lawn weeds has never been easier.

Always read product labels thoroughly and follow instructions.

* See product label for listed grasses and weeds.

+ Not for use on purple nutsedge in California
