Pennington Smart Seed Clover + Grass Mix
Looking for a natural, low-maintenance lawn? Pennington Smart Seed Clover and Grass Mix is for you. Our self-sustaining Durana White Clover and water-conserving grass varieties quickly create a naturally self-fertilizing lawn, even on slopes and hills. You'll enjoy an attractive lawn that needs less water year-over-year than traditional lawns, less fertilizer and less maintenance - and supports pollinators, too!
- Pennington Smart Seed turf grass with self-fertilizing Durana clover
- Establishes quickly and lasts for years - even on slopes and hills
- Grass and Clover Mix is pollinator-friendly
- Smart Seed uses less water year over year vs. ordinary grass
- Grows best in northern region of the US
- Plant in spring or early fall
- Requires 4 to 6 hours of daily sunlight
- Simply prep the soil, spread the seed, and water daily as needed
- See results in 7 to 21 days