Elite Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass
Soprano shatters previous thresholds for perennial ryegrass by expressing the highly desired traits of disease resistance,improved drought and traffic tolerances,while providing a stand of turfgrass that has dazzling year-round color and density.
• Tremendous presence with the vibrant green color
• Exceptional cold weather color retention
• Astonishing year-round density achieved through a combination of disease, drought, and traffic tolerance
Recommended Use:
• Golf Courses
• Athletic Fields
• Parks
• Home Lawns
• Overseeding Warm Season Grasses
Seeding Rates:
Permanent Turf, Athletic Fields, Home Lawns, Fairways and Roughs (Overseeding) 5-10 lbs/1000 sq. ft. (2-5 kgs/100 sq meters) Greens (For Overseeding) 25-35 lbs/1000 sq ft (11-15 kgs/100 sq meters) Tees (Overseeding) 15-20 lbs/1000 sq ft (6 ½ - 9 kgs/100 sq meters
Climatic Zones: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 may not be adaptable to all areas within each zone